雙學三子判囚 12國際法律權威聯署表憂慮
參與聯署的12名法律界人士來自英國、美國、加拿大、澳洲、南非及馬來西亞等地區,包括英國前大法官兼司法大臣范克林(Charles Falconer)、英格蘭及威爾斯大律師公會人權委員會主席Kirsty Brimelow、曾代表中國已故諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波的美國著名人權律師Jared Genser等。
聯署者擔心作為香港支柱的司法獨立,或淪為聽命於中共的幌子(The independence of the judiciary, a pillar of Hong Kong, risks becoming a charade, at the beck and call of the Chinese Communist Party)。信件最後指出,一國兩制核心所在的香港法治與基本自由,正面對嚴峻威脅。
【本報訊】12名聯署人全部大有來頭。其中Jared Genser相信較為港人熟悉,這位國際人權組織Freedom Now創辦人,曾入選美國《國家法律期刊》(National Law Journal)的「華盛頓40位明日之星」。Genser曾擔任多名國際知名人士的義務代表律師,包括曾受監控的緬甸人權領袖昂山素姬、布拉格之春後被判囚的捷克前總統哈維爾、中國已故諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波及其妻子劉霞。今年7月劉曉波病危期間,Genser曾撰寫公開信呼籲中國國家主席習近平批准劉曉波保外就醫,並釋放劉霞。
另一位聯署人范克林勳爵(Charles Falconer)曾在2007年擔任英國司法大臣,他在時任首相貝理雅麾下大力推動法制改革,包括最高法院的革新,以及對人權法中恐怖分子活動定義的詮釋。聯署名單上還有來自澳洲的大律師Patrick Burgess,他是以印尼為總部的國際非牟利組織「亞洲公義及人權」(Asia Justice and Rights)會長,曾任職澳洲難民審裁署,亦擔任過聯合國轄下人權組織的主管。
As lawyers, we regard the imprisonment of Joshua Wong, Alex Chow and Nathan Law in Hong Kong as a serious threat to the rule of law and a breach of the principle of“double jeopardy” in Hong Kong– in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
These student activists led the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong in2014– one of the most peaceful public protests the world has seen. Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow were already punished by a court a year ago. Joshua and Nathan respectively served80 and120 hours of community service, and Alex received a three-week suspended sentence. Yet the Hong Kong government decided to reopen the case and sought tougher punishments.
The law under which they were charged, the Public Order Ordinance, has been criticized by the United Nations for“facilitat[ing] excessive restrictions” to basic rights, and is incompatible with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR), which applies to Hong Kong. Human rights organisations have long urged Hong Kong to revise the ordinance to comply with the ICCPR.
Serious concerns over the independence of the judiciary arise. Court of Final Appeal judge Kemal Bokhary warned of“storm clouds” over the judiciary five years ago. Hong Kong’s judges want to protect its independence, but they face increasing pressure from Beijing. In2014, China issued a White Paper declaring that Beijing has“comprehensive jurisdiction over Hong Kong”– instead of“the high degree of autonomy” provided for in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s constitution. China also announced that Hong Kong’s judges are merely“administrators” who must love the country and be"subject to oversight by the central government”. The independence of the judiciary, a pillar of Hong Kong, risks becoming a charade, at the beck and call of the Chinese Communist Party.
Hong Kong’s rule of law and basic freedoms, at the heart of the principle of“one country, two systems”, now face grave threats.
Kirsty Brimelow QC
Patrick Burgess Australia– former head of human rights in the UN in East Timor and President of Asia Justice and Rights(AJAR).
Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC
Sir Desmond De Silva QC
Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC– former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice
Jared Genser– Freedom Now
Justice Richard Goldstone(South Africa)
Andrew Khoo(Malaysia)
David Matas(Canada)
Michael Mansfield QC
Rajiv Menon QC
Sir Geoffrey Nice QC– former chief prosecutor in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic