【本 報訊】再有港大校委會否決副校任命的會議錄音曝光。昨晚台灣網站流傳一段錄音,揭露早前盛傳是校委會主席人選之一的王䓪鳴在會上批評陳文敏有強烈政治立 場。她自稱深愛港大,不容陳文敏在港大搞分裂。港大校長馬斐森也在同一錄音,反駁王指港大停滯不前的指控。港大學生會會長馮敬恩及另一消息人士均向本報證 實該聲帶確為今年9月29日校委會會議錄音。港大拒回應。
港大早前成功申請禁制令,迫使商台把校委李國章及紀文鳳在校 委會會議的錄音下架,但仍未能阻止其他錄音曝光。一名署名「懦夫救星」的網民昨晚8時於台灣網上討論區「批踢踢」發表題為「〔爆卦〕今日香港,明日台 灣?」貼文,附上一段長達8分半鐘的錄音,以及英文逐字紀錄和中文譯本。王䓪鳴在聲帶中闡述其反對陳文敏任副校的原因,當中包括港大校長馬斐森的簡短回 應。
「我 深愛港大,我在港大服務了很多年,這也是我的母校。我們必須把握每個機遇。正是這個原因,我不想看見任何人再搞分裂(anybody coming and further divide)。」王䓪鳴說。她又多次強調對社會分裂感到厭惡,本來期望新任校長馬斐森能帶來發展策略,但校委會因被政治紛爭纏擾,根本無暇討論。
港 大校友關注組召集人葉建源批評王䓪鳴言論為反而反,他指,陳文敏任法律學院院長時,與法律教授陳弘毅在《基本法》和政見上有分歧,但相處融洽。新任校委會 主席熱門人選李國章則惹來校內極大反彈,反映李才會令港大對立和撕裂,反問為何王䓪鳴沒重視,「即係擺明針對陳文敏啦」。
1999 年爆出居屋短樁醜聞,時任房委會主席的王䓪鳴被指監管不力。民主黨議員李華明在立法會提出對她的不信任動議,結果王䓪鳴在2000年辭任房委會主席一職, 並於2002年離開行會。但她的政途並未因此嚴重受挫,2003年起,王䓪鳴獲中央政府委任為全國港區政協委員。
批評陳文敏政治化、分裂 港大,王䓪鳴並非第一人。早在今年6月,《大公報》便有評論文章以「政治極端化陳文敏無責任?」為題,指摘陳文敏縱容法律學院副教授戴耀廷發動佔中。《大 公報》7月又有另一篇文章促請陳文敏主動退選副校長,認為他「即便是霸王硬上弓當上了副校長,香港大學的內部分裂、社會的強烈質疑不僅不會消失,相反會越 演越烈」。
【本 報訊】港大早前就校委會會議錄音申請禁制令,但沒有禁制境外發佈。資深大律師余若薇指出,今次有關錄音經台灣網站發佈並進入公眾領域,任何人轉載及複製有 關內容,已不受禁制令所限。她又指,理論上港大可申請另一禁制令限制境外發佈,但實則上難以執行,「好似水潑出去收唔番」。
余 若薇指出,根據港大的禁制令,偷錄會議內容及發佈錄音的人士均有可能違反禁制令,下載及轉載的人士並無保密責任。港大早前申請的禁制令列明在香港公眾領域 流傳的內容獲豁免,上周五法庭把有關條款刪去「香港」字眼,意味所有公眾領域均獲豁免,「逢親講互聯網,都冇國界之分。任何嘢如果公眾可以喺網站下載,係 冇法律責任」。外國有多個案例顯示,跨國禁制令難以執行,「當一流出互聯網,全世界都有,好似水潑出去收唔番。好多案例最後都係撤銷禁制令」。
港 大法律學院首席講師張達明也指,任何人從境外網站轉載有關錄音,並不受禁制令約束。他以前特工Peter Wright撰寫的在MI5工作的回憶錄《Spycatcher》為例,當年英政府企圖禁制所有傳媒報道相關內容,但有關著作卻在美國發佈,英法院最終推 翻有關禁制令,「冇理由令到境內人嘅知情權,仲少過出面嘅人」。
該 網上平台於2000年後快速發展,成為台灣最主要的網上討論區,地位有如香港的「高登討論區」,不同之處在於PTT屬非商業性質運作,並表明不接受任何政 治、商業合作的申請。目前在PTT與PTT2分站的註冊人數超過100萬人,每日有上萬篇新文章發表,並存有多年來網民上載的資料與文件。
建制派校董 也反李國章任命
【本 報訊】百年來首次進入「無主」時代的香港大學,校委會主席新人選待決。盛傳將獲委任的李國章再受質疑,港大法律學院首席講師張達明及正參選校委的港大副教 授林文量均反對任命李,張達明甚至指寧願推遲委任都不希望李當選,連建制派校董謝偉俊亦不支持委任李國章。校委紀文鳳則拒評論會否支持李國章,只稱周四將 選出暫代主席。
據 悉,校委會前主席梁智鴻在上周五卸任前曾發出電郵,指示校委會秘書安排本周四召開臨時緊急會議,討論未來校委會運作及聽取禁制令報告。梁昨日承認曾向校委 會秘書發出有關指示,但他已無角色,屆時不會出席,相信校委會互選暫代主席。另一校委紀文鳳則拒評論會否推舉李國章出任代主席及他是否仍適合任校委會主 席。特首梁振英昨日在禮賓府與市民見面時,對傳媒問及委任問題亦充耳不聞。
港 台節目《城市論壇》昨日討論港大風波,法律學院首席講師張達明指政府拖延任命做法匪夷所思,但遲公佈比任命不合適人選好,直指李國章是不合適人選。正角逐 校委的港大生物科學學院副教授林文量亦稱委任李國章非明智決定,如為港大利益着想,應委任醫學院榮休教授楊紫芝任主席,可顯示政府無意干預港大學術自主。
【本 報訊】除港大面臨學術自主受干預,反佔中律師陳曼琪及何君堯獲特首梁振英委任為嶺南大學校董,亦引起學術自由受影響的憂慮。嶺大學生會今日起一連3天發起 公投,讓學生在3個議題上作表決,包括應否廢除由特首直接委任嶺大校董會成員的權力、應否廢除特首必然擔任嶺大校監的制度,及提高校董會中教職員與學生代 表的比例,投票將於中午12時至下午6時在校園內舉行。
嶺大學生會會長劉振琳透露,現時學生會約有3,800名會員,預料有三分之一會 員、即約1,200多人參與投票,料周三晚便會有結果,但如3天內未能達至四分之一會員投票的最低門檻,投票會延期1天至本月12日;投票結果公佈後,學 生會會待下次校董會會議舉行時提交將會成立的專責小組,下次會議預料明年1月舉行。
Thank you Chairman. I just want to make a few comments, but the comments...when I make this comment that I understand, that I totally understand my duty as a member of the Council, particularly in terms of the appointment of senior executive in this Council. I understand that and I understand the duty. And to me, there is no emotion in that. What I said later is something that I really give a lot of thought into it.
I know this candidate very well. In fact we were in the same class when we were in LSE. So I know the candidate well. It's not that I don't understand him, I don't know him. And I read the paper and every piece of paper on my table, and I exercise my independent thinking without anybody intervening. With the biggest interest of the University, wide and long of the University, and before I make my comment, so I know what I am doing.
In the last two years or so, this University, just like Hong Kong, has been undergoing quite a bumpy journey, in a sense that so many things happening in Hong Kong. It started from the University, the8.18 visit of Li Keqiang and also the Occupy Central thing, the donation issue, and recently about this appointment of this Vice President and PVC. In fact the last two years and a half, it's pretty sickening in a sense, you can see that so many discussion, division, particularly and entirely divided, you know, the community.
And I can understand, I mean, University as part of the wider Hong Kong community that reflect whatever happened in Hong Kong in the University, I can understand, but what bother me a lot is about this division, now the problem of this division is that it continues to divide the University.
I don't talk about Hong Kong, just about this University. It really, I think to me, is becoming a distraction of the University and it prevents the University actually to look longer term. In the last two years, I've been sitting in this Council every month, even more work than my own board meeting, but we never have a chance to talk about what makes up this University. Have we ever even think of any opportunities that we should grasp and let this University shine and glow?
I've been patiently waiting, you know, the new VC coming to this University with a hope that we have a smooth strategy of development. No time. No discussions. Everything has been pre-occupied and dominated by this sided political issue, the issues that are so divided in the community. And I am sickening.
And then when I think of this appointment, I give a pause into looking into whether this candidate would further divide the University, or unite the University. I asked this question because I want to see this unity, so that we're able to see this University continue to glow. Because of the potential controversy of this candidate...I don't say whether, you know, the candidate is wrong or why we can bring this up...because there is a potential controversy. It exists whether you, whatever position you...whether you are on yellow camp or the blue camp...I don't care. But the potential controversy exists.
And because of a strong political position of this candidate, and I do not have enough confidence that this candidate would probably help to unite. But on the contrary, he probably would further divide. Now this is a senior executive position that's on academic staffing and resources. I've been a chair of HRPC for several years. and I think that this is important that we look for person...I think in a lot of cases during my career to appoint a lot of senior executives, persons can be qualified but may not be suitable. I know this candidate well. He's a good gentleman. But sometimes for a lot of other reasons, he may not be totally suitable. And I have to say, because of the controversy that exists, because of his strong political position, because of the potential risk of further divide the community, I have to say I do not have enough confidence to accept this recommendation. And I want the candidate, at least, the future PVC or the Vice President, must be able to unite and must not politicize the working place that he is working in.
港大校長馬斐森:Just one comment on that. I agree with Rosanna's analysis on the division of Hong Kong in the way that Hong Kong U has been caught up in that.(...) it's not correct to say that what is happening is that we are not focusing on strategic development(...) unfortunately no one is interested in it, the press is not interested in it, no one wants to input news stories, everyone wants to hear controversy(...) There's great deal going on, you notice in my report the structured way that I talk about that, just one of the recent manifestations but there's a number of new initiatives, a number of exciting developments coming from the new vice presidents and the new deans(...) It is just not correct for anyone to think that the University of Hong Kong is standing still while this controversy rages.
That's not to say I don't want the controversy over as well, of course I do. I personally don't think any of the three outcomes I highlighted will be a force for unity. But I do think that, I just want to make a point that I think this is my job to continue making this and trying to do it. Every time I'm given the opportunity to speak publicly...it's a great deal going on, the University of Hong Kong, a great deal of development, we're not standing still.
(我有一個回應。我同意Rosanna對香港分裂的分析 及港大如何牽連其中(……)我們並沒專注發展策略的說法並不正確(……)不幸地沒人對此有興趣,傳媒沒興趣,沒人想報道,所有人想聽的是爭議……大學的重 大工作正在進行,你留意到我已在報告有條理地介紹,這是最近(重大工作)的展現……新上任的副校和院長提出一些新倡議,也有些工作進展令人興奮(……)若 有任何人認為港大在激烈的爭議中原地踏步,這是錯誤的。
王䓪鳴:Chairman, may I just make one point?(主席我可否回應一點)
校委主席梁智鴻:Please go.(請說)
王 䓪鳴:Thank you the VC for this, you know, comment. But when I said this I refer particularly to the Council. The Council has no time for discussion on this issue, and every discussion in the Council meeting would be bothered by all these controversies. And therefore in my view, I'm glad to hear that at this University, you know, have some new thinking, and that's why I just asked you about this strategy which I look forward and I'm particularly interested to move forward the University. I love this University so much. And I've served this University for so many years. And this is my alma matar too. And I think we must grasp every opportunity to make it so. And that is the reason why I think I do not want to see anybody coming in and further divide, I would rather to see the potential of uniting this University. And this is my argument.
(感謝校長的意見。但我指的是校委會。校委會沒有時間討論(大學發展)。會內所有討論 都被這些爭議干擾。我很高興聽到港大現在有些新想法,這是為何我剛才向你詢問有關大學發展策略的問題,我對此很期待,我對港大如何向前走尤其感興趣。我深 愛港大,我在港大服務了很多年,這也是我的母校。我們必須把握每個機遇。正是這個原因,我不想看見任何人走進來再搞分裂,我希望看見港大有團結的可能。這 就是我的論點。)