【記 者倪清江報道】政府安排殘障和智障等學生入讀主流學校已逾15年,但爭議不絕,平等機會委員會的報告揭示,四分一這類受訪「小眾」學生在校內被人欺凌,除 了同學和老師外,有普通學生的家長集體欺凌個別有特別教育需要學生,要求將其調到角落座位,以免影響課堂;不過也有普通家長投訴被該類學生打和推撞。
整 體有約5,500人參與問卷調查或接受訪問。約1,400名受訪校長、教師和學校專業人士中,竟有近六成不認同將SEN學生摒除主流學校外等同歧視,普通 家長也有43%持同一態度。該批學校當中,有8間小學和15間中學,少於一成教師有接受過融合教育培訓;其他學校的比率也偏低,只有一所小學超過九成受 訓。平機會政策及研究專責小組召集人謝永齡感到譁然,「幾得人驚,好似人哋學車時,隔籬個師傅都唔係幾識揸車」。他指出教師欠缺認知,難以達成SEN學生 需要。
報告揭示上述學校涉及SEN學生的欺凌情況普遍,受訪的875名SEN學生,有26%稱受欺凌,31%稱被取笑,比率較有同樣遭遇 的普通多三成,主要是言語欺凌,也有肢體欺凌。報告列出多宗欺凌個案(見下表),其中一名SEN家長表示,曾有家長一同要求校方將其子調到角落座位,老師 又罵其子,「老師會影響他的情緒,成績一落千丈,老師更不理會」;另一家長則稱,其子經常被鄰座的普通學生欺負。不過也有普通學生和家長在對談表示,曾遭 SEN學生打或推撞,另他們也指課堂受SEN學生騷擾。
Special Educational Needs
On the principle of "one curriculum framework for all', students with special educational needs (SEN), like their able counterparts follow the mainstream school curriculum and are offered essential life-long learning experiences. To put in place the above objectives, the Committee on Special Educational Needs (CSEN) under the Curriculum Development Council is responsible for formulating policy and overseeing curriculum development for students with SEN. In this connection, various ad hoc committees were set up to promote the following work:
* To develop programme of study; learning objectives; learning and assessment exemplars for students with SEN;
* To conduct surveys in exploring the way ahead of curriculum reforms in special schools; to work in collaboration with schools on the development of school-based curriculum so as to enhance students' learning;
* To design and produce reference materials;
* To conduct seminars, workshops and experience sharing sessions for enhancing teachers' professionalism;
* To encourage schools to participate in the "Seed Project" on issues which are in line with the aims of curriculum reform.
As curriculum development is a continuous process. It should be updated and improved from time to time to meet new needs of society and students. It is expected that during its on-going enhancement process, participation and support from schools; frontline personnel as well as parents are essential elements that contribute to its success.
Materials and teaching packages on curriculum for students with SEN have been uploaded for teachers' reference. Ideas and suggestions on the development of the special education curriculum uploading in the website are always welcome. For suggestions and enquiries please contact the Senior Curriculum Development Officer (Special Educational Needs) at 2892 6524.